Walk In Beauty - Embrace the 13th Moon
Walk In Beauty - Embrace the 13th Moon
Walk In Beauty, Embrace the 13th Moon - The Moon of Change
Walk In Beauty, Embrace the 13th Moon - The Moon of Change

Understanding Fibromyalgia

I was Officially Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia just a few short years ago however since the diagnosis and much research and self education on the syndrome I have realized that I have been living with Fibromyalgia since I was a child. It has only been in the last few months that my Fibromyalgia in combination with Degenerative Disc Disease and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome that my fibro has become debilitating.  This has been a major life change for me as it is with anyone experienceing fibro in their lives or another chronic 'invisible' illness.


I have found some extremely useful sites for keeping up with my Medications, Dr's, Symptoms and gaining support.  The two I urge everyone to use is "Patients Like Me" and "My Fibro Team".


As time permits and as I am able, I will include more of my personal experience with fibro here and information and links.  



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